Mission in Action

Mission in Action – – Nakuru – providing funds to support orphans with food, clothing and shelter.

Through a relative of a SOCKS board member, we discovered Mission in Action. MIA founder, developer, manager and ‘daddy’ is Ivan Budulica, who traveled from Australia to Kenya over 15 years ago. He felt a call to help and opened the first baby orphanage in Nakuru after seeing the plight of so many abandoned babies. His large self-contained complex houses up to 80 children, infants to teenagers. All their needs are met and there is a school on site attended also by students from the surrounding area. Ivan is incredibly active in the community, helping various families and especially seniors. He has recently started a grass roots project to train and educate young women, enabling them to make money through their own small business. ‘One Tribe Mama’ is empowering young mothers to be self sufficient and support themselves and their babies.

To read more stories of our visits to MIA, please look for updates in our GALLERIES.