Kenya 2017 – Do Something

SOCKS is pleased to introduce Francis, Sulieman and Samson, 3 men we met in Mombasa. All 3 are leaders in their communities and up until now have been quite successful working with tourists who stay at a nearby resort. The 3 men were instrumental in creating an association to more fairly divide and organize the business between the many ‘beach boys’. Business in the past has been enough to sustain their families and has also allowed them to support their churches, schools and communities.
Because of the times and the downturn of tourism in Kenya, the last few years have been increasingly difficult to a point where it would often be a concern as to whether they could provide food for their children and community.
To try and diversify and rely less on the fading tourism business, these 3 men had a plan to raise chickens and had already made the arrangements for land and buildings to rent.
From our ‘Do Something’ initiative SOCKS has given money for Francis, Sulieman and Samson to start their chicken project.
Even though Kenya has been living through chaos and danger with political issues over the past few months, the chicken project is up and running and as you can see in the photos, the first batch of chickens has already been sold. Hoping for continued success with this new venture.
Yet again, your support has made such a difference in a country that has so many in need.
Helping children, helping individuals, helping communities! Your goodness has been spread far and wide.